North Stonington PTO

April 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Missy Decesaris, Dawn Goralewicz, Christopher Books, Danielle Steele, Kristen Collins, Tessa Watson, Judy Main, John Gaccione, Ava Austin, Allison Reyes, Leah Stewart, Melissa Burdick, Kelly Gonzalez, Sally Timmons


Troy Hopkins spoke about the CubClub that the BOE is setting up. He also
spoke about the road sign and using the google form for dates you would like
a week in advanced. Mr. Hopkins also spoke about the new budget. There will be a few upcoming meetings for BOE and BOF. 4/22 is the budget hearing. 5/6 will be the annual town/budget meeting. 5/20 will be the budget referendum.

Allison Reyes spoke about the SATs and the scores coming back. Teacher
appreciation week is coming up. There will be a 6th grade transition night
coming up. She also spoke about the upcoming basket raffle.

Marc Tardiff spoke about a meeting they had starting this week talking with
the middle schoolers about expectations. He also spoke about the middle
schoolers doing SBAC practice. 8th grade will be going on 4/24 to Newport,
Rhode Island for a field trip. He also spoke about the 8th grade promotion
ceremony. Some middle schoolers have been opting to go outside after lunch

Rob Cillino spoke about the Frozen play as well as the third grade plays. He
spoke about the Me Lucky Loot Challege as well. Kindergarten Registration is tomorrow. Day of Awesomeness is coming up. The next Parent Advisory
meeting will be on 4/25 and it will be discussing the upcoming SBAC tests.
The art show and spring music concert are both coming up. The next spirit
day is 4/25 and it’s Opposite Day. 6th grade promotion will be 6/12.

Leah Stewart thanked the PTO for paying for the third grade plays. The third
grade has their Pequot Museum field trip tomorrow. The third grade also
placed during the Lucky Loot and will get ice cream and extra recess. The
third graders will also be taking their first SBAC tests this year.

Treasurer’s Report

The starting balance for April was $49,146.69. After income and expenses our
ending balance was $48,945.39. The report was approved by vote.

March Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the March meeting

Request and Review

Wheeler Music Club is requesting $300 for the Fantastic Festival which is at 6 Flags. A motion was made, seconded and approved to give the Wheeler
Music Club $300.


Me Lucky Loot Challenge went really well. The three grades that placed were
third, fourth, and sixth. We also discussed giving the first grade a prize
because they raised the most money.


Christopher Books presented the budget for the next school year. We are not
sure if our donation for the third grade plays will continue. The projected
starting balance for the school year next year is $37,922.24 Our projected end of the year balance is $27,747.24. We discussed adding doing our own
concessions at PTO events such as the dance. We also discussed doing a
Raisecraze fundraiser which would be an acts of kindness fundraiser. We will
also reconsider increasing the budgeting for advertising.

Basket raffle will be this Saturday, 4/20. Winners must be present to win.
Day of Awesomeness is coming up on April 26th. We will be looking for
volunteers to help out that day.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.