North Stonington PTO

March 2024 Meeting Minutes

vintage typewriter for meeting minutes logo


Troy Hopkins, Kristen St. Germain, Rob Cillino, Missy Decesaris, Dawn
Goralewicz, Christopher Books, Danielle Steele, Hailie Davis, Kristen Collins,
Sarah Arlington, Melissa Burdick, Katie McGuire, Jessie Juhren


Mr. Troy Hopkins spoke about the inclement weather yesterday and the
decision to close schools yesterday. He also spoke about the lack of parking at
our schools. He is going to continue to have coffee chats and adding in more
hours and dates. There will be a school audit to check for any problems with
the help of the town hall.

Mrs. St. Germain discussed winter sports. She discussed the ECCFA Diversity
statement that the middle/high school is implementing.
Mr. Cillino spoke about being in the second semester and about the changes
in report cards that previously came home. He spoke about the holiday sale,
book fair. Mr. Cillino also talked about the talent show, chorus concert, and
buckets and the upcoming holiday concert on Friday. Mr. Cillino spoke about
the next parent advisory. He also discussed the sixth grade promotion

Katie McGuire spoke on behalf of the high school. There is also a door
decorating contest for each advisory. There is a home basketball game and
also indoor track this winter for the first time in a long time. Some other
sports students are doing with local co-op schools are gymnastics, wrestling,
etc. There were two music performances last week.

Treasurer’s Report

The starting balance for November was $48,625.12. After income and
expenses our ending balance was $54,675.64. The report was approved by


The November Minutes were amended. A motion was made, seconded and
approved to accept the November meeting minutes.

Request and Review

Jen Welborne would like $250 for supplies from the PTO for 28 high school
students to teach a chemistry lab to the three Kindergarten classes. A motion
was made, seconded and approved to give Mrs. Welborne $250.


Holiday Sale was a success.

Missy spoke on behalf of Tessa that Family Fun Night was a success.

Book fair was last week. The Governor’s reading challenge participants
received a $5 coupon for a book at the book fair. The next book fair is in June.


Dawn discussed the survey regarding Fall Fest. Lots of positive feedback.
Missy discussed the upcoming restocking of the lounge in February.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:34 pm.