North Stonington PTO

March 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Missy Decesaris, Dawn Goralewicz, Christopher Books, Danielle Steele, Tessa Watson, Hailie Davis, Ava Austin, Amanda Bechtel, Melissa Burdick, Kristen Collins, John Gaccione, Judy Main, Sally Timmons, Garrett Timmons, Sarah Arlington, Breeze Floyd, Stephen Bailey


Meeting called to order at 6:02 in the NSES cafeteria.


Mr. Troy Hopkins thanked the board of Ed for the decision to make
improvements and spent money from a nonlapsing fund.

Mr. Rob Cillino spoke on behalf of Mrs. St. Germain for the middle/high school.

Mrs. St. Germain said they had PSAT testing yesterday. Wheeler had
presentations in two other towns for free school of choice.

Mr. Bailey also spoke on behalf of the middle school/high school. He
discussed the Teacher dress down days and how the money is donated.
Spirit week is up and running. Tomorrow is the BonFire for the high school
students. Homecoming this weekend. Fall sports are up and running for
middle and high school.

Mr. Cillino gave the elementary school report. First parent advisory meeting
went well. Fire Safety week was last week. EB visited fifth grade. Drama club
has officially been casted for Frozen. Drama club talent show will be
happening. Student STEAM themed career day went really well. In
November, we will have the Veteran’s Day celebration. Tomorrow is a half day for professional development.

Tessa gave the hospitality report. December is also our first free family fun
night. It will be gift making. Valentine’s Day Dance in February.

Hailie- Next Level fundraiser- $22,556.94 was the total and they increased our percentage from 30% to 40%. We brought in $9,022.78. Mrs. Servidio’s class won the pizza party for the most participation.

10/27- Last day to order Butter Braids
11/14 – Butter Braids pickup
Christopher gave our treasurer’s report. Our starting balance was $42,309.54. After income and expenses, our total is $39,043.34. The October Treasurer’s report was approved by vote. Kristen Collins audited last week.

September Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the September
meeting minutes and the Treasurer’s report.


Chair positions were filled. Kristen Collins is our new auditor. Miss Gonzalez
and Ava Austin have taken on our cultural chair roll.


Frights and Lights parade is coming up this weekend.

Fall Fest is coming up. Amanda is working the candy drive.

Danielle is looking for free Bath & Body Works coupons and eventually
wrapping paper donations for holiday sale.


A motion to adjourn was made and seconded The meeting was adjourned at
6:40 pm.