March 2024 Meeting Minutes
Dawn G, Missy D, Christopher B, Danielle Steele, Ava Austin, Amanda Bechtel, Angela Brightman, Melissa Burdick, Kristen Collins, John Gaccione, Crissy Holdridge, Allysa Hug, Katie Kazarian, Meghan Lawrence, Judy Main, Matthew Mendolia, Sally Timmons, Kelly Gonzalez, Marten Coulter, Breeze Floyd, Megan Broneil
Meeting called to order at 6:01 in the NSES cafeteria. Board introductions.
Mr. Rob Cillino spoke on behalf of Mrs. St. Germain for the middle/high school. She thanked us for the restocking of the lounge. Middle/high school sports are underway. Some students are collaborating with Electric Boat. Parents should join power school.
Mr. Cillino gave the elementary school report. He also thanked us for the
restocking of the lounge. The kids are loving the blacktop painted with the
map. Morning recess and extra recess for K and first grade is going well. Free
breakfast is going better. They’ve shifted lunch times to speed it up. Students
need to know their 4 digit lunch code. We have a new school moto. STEAM
career day is happening soon.
9/20- Step It Up Fundraiser starts
10/5- 9:30 AM parent advisory
10/5- 6PM Band information night for 5th and 6th grade
Mr. Troy Hopkins gave the superintendent’s report. He spoke about the
NEASC Accreditation.
Missy gave the hospitality report on behalf of Tessa. Lots of donations for
restocking the lounge and we plan to restock again in February. February is
also our first free family fun night.
Christopher gave our treasurer’s report. Our starting balance was $44,358.30. After income and expenses, our total is $42,341.54. The report was approved by vote.
May Minutes
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the May meeting
Board of Ed funded the “paint the blacktop” event.
Open house, new families orientation, and Kindergarten orientation were all a success.
Fall Fest will be on October 27th from 6 to 8.
Matthew Mendolia will be hosting a haunted house the same night. He
briefly spoke about looking for donations and what the art students have
been working on.
Step It Up- Next Level starts tomorrow, 9/20.
Butter Braids fundraiser will also be distributed soon.
Jamie Weicksel spoke on behalf of the BOE about the before and after school
There are still two chair positions for the PTO we need filled. We need a
cultural chair and an auditor.
Kelly Gonzalez is going to put up some information on the PTO bulletin board for Hispanic Heritage month.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded The meeting was adjourned at
6:52 pm.